• It's fairly simple: Don't be a dumbass.

    Of course, people disagree on what that means, so we're going to clear up a few basics around here:

    - Respect others time and person. We don't care what walk of life you're from or any personal choices you make in that life. We merely ask you act kindly and respectfully towards each other.
    - We will not discuss personal religion or politics. This seems to always lead to a fight.
    - No self advertising, without express permission from the admins.
    - Keep topics on topic.

    In the end, there are probably more specific rules that need to be written, but in general don't be a dumbass pretty much encompasses everything that needs to be said.

Nintendo Prime Rumor Videos

Chris Thorndyke

New member
I have no issue with them I just think they should focus on more concrete intel. Nintendo will release the Switch 2 when they are ready. I think all Nintendo content creators should do the same.
I have no issue with them I just think they should focus on more concrete intel. Nintendo will release the Switch 2 when they are ready. I think all Nintendo content creators should do the same.
"I have no issue with them"

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Then this gem:

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You literally, in a live stream, asked to see pictures of my kid. You spent a whole day complaining about my latest video (and seemingly, my content in general), and now you ran to a forum to make a thread about my channel, state you have no issue with them, but then go on to state you clearly have issues with them.

If you had no issues with them, you would have nothing to say about it. You clearly have issues with them, and I don't know why you pretend otherwise. You don't like my rumor videos. Kudos.
It's true. I do dislike all rumor videos that don't spread false hope. If you want to make vids related to Switch 2 then I recommend fact checking everything you see before posting it online. At this point it would be best to just wait for Nintendo to post something official than to get everyone's hopes up and risk being wrong. Also as for me asking to see your kids I was merely curious to see what they look like. I wasn't plotting anything devious.
It's true. I do dislike all rumor videos that don't spread false hope. If you want to make vids related to Switch 2 then I recommend fact checking everything you see before posting it online. At this point it would be best to just wait for Nintendo to post something official than to get everyone's hopes up and risk being wrong. Also as for me asking to see your kids I was merely curious to see what they look like. I wasn't plotting anything devious.
Asking to see photos of minors is always inappropriate unless you're literally family or a very close family friend. This is common sense. I do understand that common sense is at times, not actually common. As a parent, you have to understand that comes across extremely creepy.

No matter how much you complain about my content, you aren't going to change anything. You control the content you watch. Just stop watching it. As I told you to do in the comment section. No one is forcing you to watch rumor videos. There is also no "risk of being wrong" - rumors by definition are doubtful. They are always mostly likely wrong. That's why they are rumors.

So find 700 other ways to complain, the video content is staying the same. Have a good day!