• It's fairly simple: Don't be a dumbass.

    Of course, people disagree on what that means, so we're going to clear up a few basics around here:

    - Respect others time and person. We don't care what walk of life you're from or any personal choices you make in that life. We merely ask you act kindly and respectfully towards each other.
    - We will not discuss personal religion or politics. This seems to always lead to a fight.
    - No self advertising, without express permission from the admins.
    - Keep topics on topic.

    In the end, there are probably more specific rules that need to be written, but in general don't be a dumbass pretty much encompasses everything that needs to be said.

Recent content by venatus712

  1. V

    Weekly Famitsu Sales Thread

    I see japan has ran out of random 3ds systems in the back of the store to sell...
  2. V

    Weekly Famitsu Sales Thread

    According to these numbers, if 1 person only earned 1 switch in Japan, that would mean over 1/3 of Japan’s population own a switch at this point. Wild.